Friday, September 18, 2015

Mommy Wars

The Mommy Wars.  We have all engaged in them at one point or another.  You post how your child will ask if the snack is organic or you post a FB picture of a Pinterest project that is fit for a magazine.

Why?  Why do you do it? Why do we ALL do it?  Is to show the world how crafty your are?  Is it to prove that you love your child so much you will only give them organic food?

I think people do all of this to try to prove to the world that they are a good parent.  There is a growing sense of insecurity among mothers these days and to allay that feeling, they have this need to prove that yes, indeed they are a good parent, and here is the proof.

NO ONE NEEDS PROOF.  Being a parent isn't about being better than another, its just about being the best you can be to your child(ren).  They don't need a Pinterest project everyday.  They don't need homemade organic treats for afterschool.  They just need some good quality time with you.  They don't care if the world sees you sewing a Halloween costume.  Yes, they will want the costume and they will love it because it came from you, but they don't see the need to brag about it to EVERYONE they know.  Make the costume, project, yummy organic treats, but don't feel the need to share with everyone you have ever known.

I can guarantee you, that your elementary school friend (who you still don't know why you friend-ed anyway) doesn't care what you made for dinner last night.

We have all been guilty of doing this, but we need to stop the mommy wars.  We need to support each other and be there for each other and cheer each other on, but we need to stop competing.

Kids don't compete, why should moms?

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